Greetings and welcome to the first post of this new blog in this New Year of 2009!
One of the things I like to do at the beginning of each year is to do a home blessing. This really sets the stage for a safe and prosperous year, and in these trying times, who doesn’t want that?
This is a ritual that involves making a witch bottle. A witch bottle is a very old spell device dating back to the 1600s that is designed to draw in and trap evil and negative energy directed at its owner. Though European in origin, it is similar to the New Orleans ju ju and hoodoo spell bottles as it acts as a protective object that keeps evil and negativity at bay. It also counteracts spells cast against you by other witches.
Traditionally, the bottle is filled with items that aligns with its intended use. For example, if the spell is intended to protect the home, it is filled with rosemary, pins and needles, and red wine. It is then buried at the farthest corner of the property, beneath the house hearth, or placed in an inconspicuous spot in the house. It is believed that after being buried, the bottle captures evil and impales it with the pins and needles, drowns it by the wine, and sends it away by the rosemary. The Witch-bottle is believed to be active as long as the bottle remains hidden and unbroken.
The following recipe is for creating your very own witch bottle for protecting your home and family all year long. To make it, you will need:
1 glass jar with cork stopper or lid (a small canning jar is fine)
1/2 to 1 cup salt (depending on size of the jar)
3 cloves garlic
9 bay leaves
7 TBS dried basil
4 TBS dill seeds
1 TBS sage
1 TBS anise
1 TBS black pepper
1 TBS fennel
1 bowl
In the morning, ideally on a bright and sunny day, assemble all items. Place the salt into the bowl and say:
“Salt that protects, protect my home and all within it.”
Add the cloves of garlic to the bowl and say:
“Garlic that protects, protect my home and all within it.”
Crumble the bay leaves, place in the bowl and say:
“Bay that protects, protect my home and all within it.”
Add the basil and say:
“Basil that protects, protect my home and all within it.”
Add dill and say:
“Dill that protects, protect my home and all within it.”
Add the sage and say:
“Sage that protects, protect my home and all within it.”
Add the anise and say:
“Anise that protects, protect my home and all within it.”
Add the pepper and say:
“Pepper that protects, protect my home and all within it.”
Add the fennel and say:
“Fennel that protects, protect my home and all within it.”
Mix the salt and herbs together with your fingertips. When mixing, visualize your home as safe and protected and visualize the witch bottle as a strong guardian of your home. Pour the mixture into the jar, seal tightly, and place in your home while saying the following words:
“Salt and herbs, nine times nine
Guard now this home of mine.
So be it.”
If you want to get creative, you can paint your bottle with magickal symbols, add a picture of your favorite saint, or glue stones and amulets to the bottle.
Do this spell as soon as you can and you will set the correct energy in motion for a safe and prosperous New Year.