Thursday, November 24, 2016

Formula for Horn of Plenty Oil

The Horn of Plenty or Cornucopia is a symbol of abundance, nourishment, and agricultural, mineral and spiritual wealth. Most commonly associated with Thanksgiving, it is one of the images found on Indian Spirit products manufactured by the E. Davis Company. Anoint your forehead and your hands with Horn of Plenty Spiritual oil and raise them above your head and ask your Indian Spirit Guide for what you need, or try the ritual in the graphic below. You can place the red cloth into your medicine bag or mojo bag if you prefer.

Here's the formula for Horn of Plenty Oil:
  •         Mandarin orange 
  •         Lemon 
  •         Strawberry 
  •          Blackberry 
  •         Ginger 
  •         Tobacco (pinch)
  •     Kernel of corn 
Add the above to a base of grapeseed oil that has been fixed with vitamin E to prevent rancidity.


Regarding the above graphic...The Daily Conjure Tips are copyright 2012 Creole but may be used and posted to your personal blogs and websites. The only limitation is that you may not change the graphic or charge money for it or claim it as your own design and intellectual property. Copyright notice must remain with the unchanged graphic. Other than that, feel free to copy and share it.

*Content copyright 2012-2017  Denise Alvarado, All rights reserved worldwide.

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